Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Life Plan as a Healthy Individual w/ my Personal Affirmation

My Dream: maintain a weight of 160 lbs or less, keep my IBS under control, and maintain a healthy well-balanced diet

My Life Role: a Healthy Individual

My Long-Term Goals in This Role: 

  • lose 30+ lbs
  • ease my symptoms of IBS
  • have a bowel movement at least once a day
  • establish a well-balanced diet
  • control my eating habits
  • run the Zombie Run coming to Orlando
My Short-Term Goals in This Role:
  • work out everyday, even if it is just a simple round of calisthenics at home
  • go for a run at least twice a week by May 10, 2013
  • go for a run at least three times a week by May 30, 2013
  • have only one bad day of eating a week for the next month
  • always make healthy food choices
  • go to the gym as much as possible
  • start herbalife and do it the right way
  • try to use the bathroom for at least 30 minutes after every meal
  • sweat, sweat, sweat

My Personal Affirmation
"I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed."

  1. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  2. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  3. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  4. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  5. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  6. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  7. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  8. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  9. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  10. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  11. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  12. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed. 
  13. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  14. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  15. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  16. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  17. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  18. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  19. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed
  20. I am a determined, ahrd-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  21. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  22. I am a determined, hard working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  23. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and  Iwill succeed.
  24. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  25. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and  Iwill succeed.
  26. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  27. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  28. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  29. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  30. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  31. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  32. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  33. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  34. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  35. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  36. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  37. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  38. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  39. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  40. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  41. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  42. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  43. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  44. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  45. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  46. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  47. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  48. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  49. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  50. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Accepting Personal Responsibility

I don't plan on letting myself get off course and off track.
Stay focused.
Stay focused.
Stay focused.
Stay focused.
I've noticed my thoughts have been negative. My Inner Critic and my Inner Defender decided to start working over time and I am taking a stand. Protesting outside their little office in my brain letting them know this is not going to happen.
So I'm taking a step back and being active in some skills and resources I have been given and provided with to do so. Which is why I am revisiting Chapter 3: Accepting Personal Responsibility. As the subtitle states, "I accept responsibility for creating my life as I want it."

The essence of personal responsibility is responding wisely to life's opportunities and challenges, rather than waiting passively for luck or other people to make the choices for us.

As long as you resist your role in creating the outcomes and experiences in your life, you will fall short of your potential.

When people keep doing what they've been doing even when it doesn't work, they are acting as Victims. When people change their beliefs and behaviors to create the best results they can, they are acting as Creators.

They key ingredient of personal responsibility is choice.

The more choices I make as a Creator, the more I improve the quality of my life.

I am responsible for creating my life as I want it.

Ultimately each of use creates the quality of our life with the wisdom or folly of our choices.

If I take full responsibility for all of my actions, I will discover more positive actions and choices.
If I take full responsibility for all of my thoughts, I will establish better ways to view life.
If I take full responsibility for all of my feelings, I will be able to control which ones overwhelm me.
If I take full responsibility for my education, I will succeed to the fullest extent.
If I take full responsibility for my career, I will promote myself before my supervisor has the time.
If I take full responsibility for my relationships, I will know which ones are more stable and better for me.
If I take full responsibility for my health, I will become the weight I should be.
If I take full responsibility for all that happens to me, I will learn more about who I am.
When I am acting fully responsible for my life, I will make better decisions.
If I were to create my very best self, I will be strong, beautiful, amazing, wonderful, successful, motivated, hard-working, and live a long full life filled with joy, laughter, and all kinds of positivity, great experiences, and the best of people. 

 The Inner Critic: This is the internal voice that judges us inadequate. 

The flip side of the Inner Critic is the Inner Defender. Instead of judging ourselves, the Inner Defender judges others.

The Inner Guide knows that judgement doesn't improve difficult situations. So instead, the Inner Guide objectively observes each situation and asks, "Am I on course or off course? If I'm off course, what can I do to get back on course?"

Creators use their words and thoughts to improve a bad situation.

My thoughts and feelings have been overwhelming me for the past few days which has put a damper on my attitude. In Journal Entry 5, it gives you a list of statements written in Victim language and then tells you to translate them into Creator Language. Participating in this activity, hopefully I can recharge my Creator Language cell and turn my frown upside down.

If I would stop helping other people with their problems and focus on myself, I'd actually lose the weight I would like to.
To lose the weight I would like to, I am going to focus on myself and in the process, if others around me need help I will be there to support them.

If my mom would stop ordering out, I could eat healthier.
Every time my mom eats out, I am going to make a salad and with every bite remind myself of my goal.

If I would get over the fear of my heart pounding out of my chest, I would go for my two mile run through my extended neighborhood.
I am going to start my running up and down my road 8 times which make a mile. Once I get to 16, I will throw my fear out the window and enjoy my two mile run through my extended neighborhood.

If people would stop criticizing and making fun of me, maybe I would excel at the skills I am trying to learn/relearn.
Everyone is trying to help me excel at the skills I am trying to learn/relearn. They aren't being mean. They are trying to give constructive criticism or give me a challenge to meet.

I need moral support from others in order to do good and if I don't get it, I'll never get healthier.
I will support myself in my mission of living a healthier lifestyle. I am strong and wise and know what decisions I should and shouldn't make involving my diet and exercise routine.

My friend got me so angry that I couldn't even finish and enjoy the rest of my workout.
I took what my friend said personally when I really did it to myself. I feel as if she is making fun of me when really she is laying a challenge out for me to meet or beat. I will finish, enjoy, and workout my aggression within the rest of my workout.

I'll try to do my best this workout.
I will do my best this workout.

I work early mornings and I'm always tired when I get home which makes it hard to exercise.
I work early mornings so when I get home, I'm already warmed up for my workout. I will just change into something breezy and cool and go for a run/go to the gym when I get home.

Life is a journey with many opportunities and obstacles, and every one requires a choice.

Our choices reveal what we truly believe and value, as opposed to what we say we believe and value.

I believe it is a wise choice to use the Wise Choice Process to Assess my situation, Diagnose my problem, Plan a route, Implement my plan, and Evaluate my results. So Let's get to it.

What's my present situation?
My present situation is I am 30 pounds heavier than what I wish to be and 30 pounds heavier than the healthy weight I should be. 
How would I like my situation to be?
I would like my situation to be healthy. I would like to weigh no more than 160 pounds and I would like to have a healthy eating habit the majority of the time.
What are my possible choices?
Work out everyday.
Run at least 4 times a week.
Eat a salad once a day.
Choose carrots and celery or an apple as a snack.
Eat smaller portions.
Stop eating out.
Stop all consumption of fast food period.
Pretend all the junk food my parents buy doesn't exist.
Tell myself I can and will every day.
Believe I can and will overcome my lack of will power.
Overcome my lack of will power.
Build will power towards saying no to myself.
Say no to my urges for junk food.
What's the likely outcome of each possible choice?
Work out everyday: tone up.
Run at least 4 times a week: lose weight.
Eat a salad once a day: proper nutrition
Choose carrots and celery or an apple as a snack: proper nutrition
Eat smaller portions: proper nutrition
Stop eating out: reduce amount of fats and fillers I consume
Stop all consumption of fast food period: reduce amount of fats and fried unhealthy food
Pretend all the junk food my parents buy doesn't exist: start creating better eating habits.
Tell myself I can and will everyday: build confidence
Believe I can and will overcome my lack of will power: build confidence
Overcome my lack of will power: create self-belief
Build will power towards saying no to myself: build strength
Say no to my urges to junk food: control over my emotions and build strength within myself to remember that my long-term goals are more important than my immediate pleasure!
Which choices will I commit to doing?
Why not all of them? I will work out everyday. Run at least 4 times a week. Eat a salad once a day. Choose carrots and celery or an apple as a snack. Eat smaller portions. Stop eating out. Stop all consumption of fast food period. Pretend all the junk food my parents buy doesn't exist. Tell myself I can and will everyday. Believe I can and will overcome my lack of will power. Better yet, Overcome my lack of will power. Build enough will power towards saying no to myself. Say not to my urges to junk food. 
It isn't too much to strive for. Because in all reality, all you have to tell yourself is "I can and I will." And I most definitely can and I most definitely will.
When and how will I evaluate my plan?
In about a month, I should see at least some results if not dramatic results. If the dedication is there, this plan is fool proof. If I missed something, in a month I will come back and revise. But I'm not giving up. I did it once. I can do it again. And I will!

A few days ago, I went to a Weight loss meeting held here in town. My girl friend who I have been helping out for a few weeks now has her first weigh in and she has lost 6.5 pounds in one week! Phenomenal! I was soooo proud of her. But my Inner Critic started talking to me after I have learned this amazing fact for the day! Before we had left her house, I had gotten on her scale and it read 190... 2 pounds heavier than what I was a week ago. Learning this, I couldn't stop the conversation in my head. 

"Just accept the fact that you are fat"
"You failed once again... go figure! Ha!"
"You'll never lose weight like you did for the military."

Where were you Inner Guide?! I had lost you while I was in this situation and boy oh boy was it hard! Now that you are here, help me tell myself what I should have been telling myself.

"I am heavy but it isn't something I can't work towards losing. I can do it!"
"Yes, I didn't lose any weight this week but remember, there is always next week and I will try harder!"
"I'll dedicate myself the way I did for the military and I will lose this weight again! If not faster than before!"


Friday, April 19, 2013

Journal Entry #11

Write a one-sentence statement of one of your most motivating goals or dreams in your role as a student. You can simply copy one that you wrote in Journal Entry 9 (or create a new one if you prefer).

One of my most motivating goals as my role as a student is to make the presidents or deans list every semester.

Write a list of personal qualities that would help you achieve this educational goal or dream. Use adjectives such as persistent, intelligent, hard-working, loving, articulate, organized, friendly, confident, relaxed, and so on. Write as many qualities as possible.

  1. focused
  2. persistent
  3. organized
  4. motivated
  5. intelligent
  6. healthy
  7. determined
  8. hard-working
  9. outgoing
  10. confident

Circle the three qualities on your list that seem the most essential for you to achieve your goal or dream as a student (from step 1).

  1. determined
  2. hard-working
  3. confident

Write three versions of your personal affirmation. Do this by filling in the blanks in sentence formats A, B, and C below. Fill the blanks with the three personal qualities you circled in step 3 above. NOTE: Use the same three personal qualities for each of the three formats.

Format A: I am a _____, _____, _____ man/woman.
Example: I am a strong, intelligent, persistent woman.
Format B: I am a _____, _____, _____ man/woman, _____ing _____.
Example: I am a strong, intelligent, persistent woman, creating my dreams.
Format C: I am a _____, _____, _____ man/woman, and I _____.
Example: I am a strong, intelligent, persistent woman, and I love life.
Don't copy the examples; create your own unique affirmation.

I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman.

I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, creating my future.

I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.

Choose the one sentence from step 4 that you like best and write that sentence five or more times. This repetition helps you begin taking ownership of your affirmation and desired qualities.

  1. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  2. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  3. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  4. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  5. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  6. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  7. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  8. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.
  9. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed. 
  10. I am a determined, hard-working, confident woman, and I will succeed.

Write three paragraphs--one for each of the three qualities in your affirmation. In each of these paragraphs, write about a specific experience when you displayed your desired quality. For example, if one of your desired qualities is persistence, tell a story about a time in your life when you were persistent (even a little bit!). Write the story like a scene from a book, with enough specific details that readers will feel as though they are seeing what you experienced. Your paragraph might begin, "The first quality from my affirmation is... A specific experience in my life when I demonstrated that quality was..."

I was determined to enlist in the military and nothing was going to stop me. I had just gotten back from the horrible, ice and snow covered winter in the hills of beautiful West Virginia. The green grass and the giant monstrous palm trees were an absolute delight to see! The smell of the orange blossoms, the open flat land where you could see miles and miles. So great to be home. Our blue little country home hadn't changed a bit either. The same dark blue shutters around the front window and the blossomed gardenia bushes in the front flower beds! Home sweet home and nothing could beat it. I spent a few months running around, seeing everyone I had left behind right after graduation and catching up but wasn't being productive. My father, the man I will always look up to because of his ridiculous amount of wisdom convinced me to follow a dream... enlist in the Air Force. "But I'm too heavy and I can't lose weight!" I used to always tell him. But I saw a recruiter anyways. Staff Sergeant Smith couldn't have been any more blunt and forward yet supportive and sensitive the first day I met him. "Well, I will tell you that you are definitely over the maximum weight limit by a handful but I run a program on Tuesday's and Thursdays where my recruits come in and we train together." I went on to explain how shy I was and how much I truly honestly cared about what other people thought of me. "Judgement free. We are all here for a reason and if this is something you want to do and getting this weight off of you is a goal you need to accomplish in order to follow this dream, we support you and are there for you no matter the circumstances." So for two or three weeks, I went and met with the other handful of recruits at the recruiting office in Kissimmee and we trained, pushing each other to our limits and never leaving anyone behind. We were all going to succeed. Then one day, out of the blue, I woke up early in the morning, the sun barely peaking over the flat horizon and the giant palm trees and said to myself through sleepy eyes, "I'm going to go for a run." I forced my stiff body out of bed, stretched, changed into something comfortable and threw on some sneakers before opening my garage door to the humid, sticky morning air and setting off. At first it was difficult but I did it every morning, working hard towards my main goal. Right at the crack of dawn, and within 3 months, I was 15 lbs below the maximum weight! That was almost 50 lbs in 3 months. But I was determined to meet that max weight limit and there was nothing going to get in my way.
When I received my medical discharge, I felt like the world had ended and my life was over. I came back home to this beautiful sunshine state and decided to put everything behind me. It was a new day and a new beginning. Within two days of being home, I had a job serving tables and making decisions on where to go to school and what to go to school for. I gave work my all, working hard everyday, always having a positive attitude and saving up as much money as I possibly could. By September of 2011, I was enrolled into Brevard Community College and ready to begin my education. Next to my enlistment, I had never been so excited and full of joy in my entire life! I was ready to start!
I took two easy and simple classes my first semester, one being the On Course class which I am now rereading the book and blogging my journal entries. I was making a difference and succeeding. My only fear before starting school was meeting new people and asking the questions I needed to ask in order to make sure I understood every lecture in every class. One thing I learned within my first semester was the level of confidence I actually possessed. I had absolutely no fear of throwing my hand vigorously up into the air to ask a question about anything I didn't understand, especially in my intermediate algebra class. I was healthy, determined, hard-working, and confident all through my first semester landing me a place on the presidents list.
My goal for this upcoming semester is to be determined, hard-working, and confident as I was in my first semester. I've done it more than once in many different situations which takes the question from being "why?" to being "why not?". I know I can... And I will!
Until Tomorrow! <3

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Journal Entry #10

Write a visualization of the exact moment in the future when you are experiencing the accomplishment of your biggest goal or dream in your role as a student. Describe the scene of your success as if it is happening to you now. For example, if your desire is to graduate from a four-year university with a 4.0 average, you might write: "I am dressed in a long blue robe, the tassel from my graduation cap tickling my face. I look out over the thousands of people in the audience, and I see my mother, a smile spreading across her face. I hear the announcer call my name. I feel a rush of adrenaline, and chills tingle on my back as I take my first steponto the stage. I see the college president smiling, reaching her hand out to me in congratulations. I hear the announcer repeat my name, adding that I am graduating with high honors, having obtained a 4.0 average. I see my classmates standing to applaud me. Their cheers flow over me, filling me with pride and happiness. I walk..."

For visual appeal, consider also drawing a picture of your goal and dream in your journal. Or cut pictures from magazines and use the to illustrate your writing. If you are writing your journal on a computer, consider adding clip art that depicts your visualization. Allow your creativity to support your dream. 
Remember to use the four keys to an effective visualization:
1. Relax to free your imagination.
2. Use present-tense verbs... the experience is happening now!
3. Use all five senses. What do yo use, hear, smell, taste, and feel (touch)?
4. Include emotion. Imagine yourself feeling great in this moment of grand accomplishment. You deserve to feel fantastic!

Read your visualizations often. Ideal times are right before you go to sleep and when you first awake in the morning. You may even wish to record your visualizations and listen to them often.

I hear the chatter of all the guests at the graduation. I am lined up with the graduating class waiting for them to introduce us. The announcer is announcing the graduating class of '17. I am so anxious my knees are shaking. We proceed into the arena. I hear hooting and hollering. My heart is racing. I walk to my seat and sit down. I listen to all the names being called. I watch every one walk across the stage. I fear that I am going to trip or fall. I watch the guide come stand our row up. We proceed to the stairs at the side of the stage in a single file line. I smile even bigger. I am ready for this moment. They call my name. I see the president and dean, reaching out to me in congratulations. The announcer says my name, adding that I am graduating with high honors, receiving a placement on the presidents and deans lists for academic success each and every semester. I see my parents right up front cheering me on. I am so proud and ecstatic that I am here. You can see the pride and joy on their faces. I feel a well of tears building in my eyes. I walk towards the descending stairs where my academic advisor awaits to congratulate me and point me in the right direction. I follow my classmate in front of me back to my seat and sit down. A tear rolls down my cheek of happiness. I smile and chuckle, remembering 4 years ago and the position I was in. I listen to the rest of the names. I watch the Valedictorian give their speech and the presentation created by the computer club. The announcer says it is time for the graduating class to stand. We stand. Here it is! He gives his own personal congratulations. We all cheer in celebration and throw our caps in the air! I run to my mom and dad. My mom has tears rolling down her cheeks. She is so proud. My dad screams, "Alright! What's up college grad?!" adding a high five. I made it! I'm finally here! We huddle in celebration and proceed out the door contemplating on our celebratory activities.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Life Plan as a Daughter

My Life Plan

My Dream: I take care of my parents and show them the kindness and helpfulness they have shown me through the years. Reflection.
My Life Role: Daughter
My Long-Term Goals in this Role: Show more appreciation and respect to my parents. They are amazing people and they deserve to be treated that way. 
My Short-Term Goals in this Role: Call when I'm not coming home.
Help more with daily and weekly chores.
Stop sighing or rolling my eyes when I am told to do something.
Start listening more often to the things they have to say about life and life lessons.
Thank them every time they do something for me no matter how small or how big.
Participate more actively in conversation with them.
Take them out to dinner every once in a while.
Remember their anniversary.
Support them through their hardest moments.
Tell them how much I love them everyday.

If you can't tell, my parents mean the world to me. I have made a lot of mistakes in the past couple years and have put them through hell and back. At 21, my parents still offer their open door. They have lived it but the difference is they had to struggle and fight through it... something they don't wish upon me. On my last draw, (and trust me, I totally believe them) I am determined not to let them down. 
I remember when I was younger, they were always "well when I was young" or "back then" and I always used to argue it isn't then and you aren't young. Yes times have changed but the it was never about the times or the main subject of the story. It was always about the life lesson behind the story. Especially recently, I have been having those moments where I go to my mom and dad and I am like, you remember when you told me this... well, you were right.
Many kids, teens, and young adults I know for a fact always argue with their parents especially if the story starts with "well when I was young" or "back then" but really they should listen. Mom and pop aren't trying to compare your situation to theirs, they are trying to tell you that is a life lesson you are either going through or on the path of going through. LISTEN! It's the best thing you can do! I wish I would have been wise enough almost 4 years ago to open my ears and my mind wide to absorb the information that was trying to be taught to me. 
If you don't want to listen, you are going to feel. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

My Life Plan: Journal Entry #9

...complete the part of your life plan for your role as a student.
My Dream: If you have a compelling dream, describe it here. If you're not sure what your dream is, you can simply write, "I'm searching."
My Life Role: Student
My Long-Term Goals in this Role: These are the outcomes you plan to achieve as a student in the next two to ten years, even longer if necessary.
My Short-Term Goals in this Role: These are the outcomes you plan to achieve as a student this semester; each one accomplished brings you closer to your long-term goals as a student. To begin your list of short-term goals, you can write the same Desired Outcomes that you chose in Journal Entry 8; then add other short-term goals as appropriate.
Remember to apply the DAPPS rule, making sure that each long-and short-term goals is Dated, Achievable, Personal, Positive, and Specific. With this in mind, you may need to revise the Desired Outcomes that you transfer here from Journal Entry 8.
If you wish, repeat this process for one or more of you other life roles: employee, parent, athlete, and so on. The more roles you plan, the more complete you vision of life will be. Taken together, these pages map your route to a rich, personally fulfilling life.
At this time you don't have to know how to achieve your goals and dreams, so don't even think about the method. All you need to know is what you want. In the following chapters, you'll learn dozens of powerful strategies for turning your life plan into reality. For now, keep your eye on your destination!

My Life Plan

My Dream: To help people but I am still searching for specifics.
My Life Role: Student
My Long-Term Goals in this Role: To graduate with honors and recognition, at the top of my class, with an Associates Degree by 2015, a Bachelor's by 2017, and a Master's by 2019.
My Short-Term Goals in this Role: Study for every quiz, test, and exam for College Algebra.
Apply myself everyday in College Algebra.
Stay focused on my Classes.
Study for every quiz, test, and exam in my Criminology Class.
Read every section thoroughly for my Criminology Class.
Ask questions when I need to without fear.
Learn 5 new study skills that could help me study better by September 31st.
Take at least one page of notes for every class I attend this coming semester.
Turn in every assignment on time this semester.
Give all assignments and projects my all this semester.

Write about what you have learned or relearned by designing your life plan. In particular, identify any impact this effort has had on your level of motivation to do well in college this semester, or do well in any other parts of your life.
Writing a life plan is an easy way to set goals. Setting goals can be difficult. If you just want to sit down and write goals you wish to accomplish just as a list of goals, yes, is possible but to identify what the role you wish to your goals in makes setting those goals much easier and more likely that you will follow through with all the goals you wish to accomplish. Makes them seem more real and sensible.
So coming soon is My Life Plan in My Life Role as a:
Becoming Healthy
A Better Person
A Companion
Until Then ;-)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Journal Entry #8

In your journal, draw an empty table...Fill in three or more of your own desired outcomes for this course and/or this semester. Next to each, explain why you value achieving that outcome. Remember, "outcomes" are those things you will take away with you at the end of the semester (such as a grade or something you learn). At this point, you don't have to know HOW you will achieve these outcomes; you only need to know WHAT you want and WHY.

Once again, seeing how I can't draw a table on here, I am simply going to label "desired outcomes" and "value" in bold, listing one and then the other. Also, instead of desired outcomes for this course and/or semester, I am going to focus on desired outcomes for this summer leading up to my second "first semester" in August. :-)

Desired Outcome: Spend down time absorbing knowledge in a relaxing, slow paced environment such as the beach.
Value: Absorbing knowledge regardless of who you are and what you want out of life will always keep you on your toes. Participating in a relaxing environment is a way for me to clear my head and breath so I can focus rather than worry about immediate pleasures.

Desired Outcome: To have proper nutrition, a healthy diet, and getting back into shape.
Value: Being healthy makes any person feel amazing but especially me! I am confident and delightful to be around full of positivity and spunk, always keeping a smile on my face and putting a smile on others.

Desired Outcome: To not owe BCC a dime! Bottom line.
Value: I will begin my education!
    .   .
  .       .
.  .  .  .  .
I'm not too sure if we are supposed to have favorites or supposed to like one more than the other but I am going to have to say that the last one is the one I value most. I have put this off for far too long. If I owe the school any money at all, I will never be able to take my education head on like I desire too! Soo BCC, you will be getting your money come first pay check! ;-) YOU can count on that!

In your journal, place an empty table...Fill in three or more of your desired experiences for this course and/or semester. Next to each, explain why you value having that experience. Remember, "experiences" are those things you will have during this semester (such as fun or a sense of community). Once again, all that matters here is WHAT you would like to experience and WHY. At this time, you don't need to worry about HOW.

Once again no table (shocker!). Also, not course and/or semester but this summer.

Desired experience: Fun
Value: This is what summer is about. Fun... the right way. Genuine, real, 100% grade A fun!

Desired experience: Personal confidence
Value: Redeeming my spunk and personality. I have always been such a shy person but I remember when my personality and my spunk first started to develop and let me tell you... shwew, is it a much easier to me to deal with and I am so clear minded. I would face every bad decision I could make and never made them. This summer, I will build that back. Very important to life and makes decision making that much easier.

Desired experience: Go on an adventure
Value: Exploring new things, having new experiences, doing something different. Let's go on an adventure! It will help with learning who I am and discovering more about myself as a growing young individual. I'll get to meet new people and most likely see great things. Plus, I'm sure many of the adventures I could go on are apart of my resolutions list which just makes it that much better!

Using the formula of V x E = M ( V is for Value, E is for Expectation, M is for Motivation), write about your level of motivation to be successful in college. Begin as follows: "The Value I place on being a success in college is ___ (0-10) and my expectation of being a success in college is ___ (0-10). Multiplied together, this gives me an achievement motivation score of (0-100)." Then continue by explaining your score and identifying specific actions you can do to raise it (or keep it high).

The value I place on being a success this summer (since I am focusing on summer) is a 10 and my expectation of being a success this summer is a 10. Multiplied together, this gives me an achievement motivation score of 100. Life is too short to live it any other way other than all or nothing. It is just choosing your all or nothing that is going to create your path. This summer, my goal is to focus on my desire for immediate pleasure and how much trouble it has gotten me into. I then want to apply that to becoming more proactive in my decision making and discover genuine fun through genuine activity.
One thing you learn early on within reading this book and taking this course is that you control you. You write your future which means you write your happiness, your drama, your troubles, your sorrows. It is all on you. I need to begin with turning all my negative thoughts positive. Then move from making negative decisions to positive decisions. After, explore. Go to a museum even if it is a local one. Visit an aquarium (other than sea world). Go to a zoo. Read more than just my text books for school. Attend different local festivals. Give life my all. The right way.
This summer is about focusing on me. Discovering more about myself. Building more of my character. Becoming more of the person I was meant to be. It is true. You do only live once. This is my summer to grasp that wisdom and apply it in the correct manner to become the person I am meant to be in the near future.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Personal Highlights of Chapter 2

  • The essence of personal responsibility is responding wisely to life's opportunities and challenges, rather than waiting passively for luck or other people to make the choices for us.
  • As long as you resist your role in creating the outcomes and experiences in your life, you will fall short of your potential.
  • The key ingredient of personal responsibility is choice.
  • The more choices I make as a Creator, the more I improve the quality of my life.
  • I am responsible for creating my life as I want it.
  • Ultimately each of us creates the quality of our life with the wisdom or folly of our choices.
  • The Inner Critic. This is the internal voice that judges us as inadequate.
  • The flip side of the Inner Critic is the Inner Defender. Instead of judging ourselves, the Inner Defender judges others.
  • The Inner Guide knows that judgement doesn't improve difficult situations. So instead, the Inner Guide objectively observes each situation and asks, "Am I on course or off course? If I'm off course, what can I do to get back on course?"
  • Creators use their words and thoughts to improve a bad situation.
  • Life is a journey with many opportunities and obstacles, and every one requires a choice.
  • ...identifying goals and then designing systems that define wise choices to overcome any problems that interfere with achieving those goals.
  • ...a system that will empower you to take full responsibility for creating your life as you want it to be...
  1. What's my present situation? What exists?
  2. How would I like my situation to be?
  3. What are my possible choices? Create a list of possible choices...without judgement. First, take a different point of view...pretend your problem belongs to someone else...set the problem aside and let your unconscious mind work on a solution while you do other things.
  4. What's the likely outcome of each possible choice? 
  5. Which choice(s) will I commit to doing?
  6. When and how will I evaluate my plan?...compare your new situation to how you want it to be (as described in step 2). If...identical (close enough)...plan a success.
  • Our choices reveal what we truly believe and value, as opposed to what we say we believe and value.
  • By our choices, we are each the primary creators of the outcomes and experiences of our lives.
  • Creator's favorite question: "What's my plan?"

Journal Entry #7

Write a sentence expressing a recent problem or event that upset you. Think of something troubling that happened in school, at work, or in your personal life. For example, I got a 62 on my math test.

I have gained 5 lbs and lost my tone so I don't fit into any of my clothes the way I want to.

Write a list of three or more criticisms your Inner Critic (IC) might level against you as a result of this situation. Have your Inner Guide (IG) dispute each one immediately. Review your methods of disputing described...You only need to use one of them for each criticism. For example:
IC: You failed that math test because you're terrible in math.
IG: It's true I failed the math test, but I'll study harder next time and do better. This was only the first test, and I now know what to expect next time.

IC: I will never tone up and get back down to the weight you were 2 years ago.
IG: I have put on a few lbs and lost my tone, but I'll wake up and go running as many mornings as I can and make more wise decisions when it comes to my eating habits.

IC: I am unattractive when I am fat.
IG: Many friends, family, and ex-loved ones always offer a hand of beauty as well as my own ego so there is absolutely no rational reason for me to believe I am unattractive right now. I may have put on a few lbs but I am not fat and it isn't that hard to get back to my ideal weight and bodily proportion.

IC: I am horrible at being strong and having the will power to follow through and stay motivated.
IG: It is true that my will power is very weak but I will find support in inspirational reading and attend a motivational congregation at my recruiters office every Monday and Thursday as well as attend the gatherings a great friend has been trying to get me to do for the past week.

IC: I can barely breath when I run because I am fat.
IG: I can barely breath when I run because I smoke and am out of shape so I will begin by running every day to push myself to my limits as well as quit smoking. Smoking is horrible for your health anyways.

Write a list of three or more criticisms your Inner Defender (ID) might level against someone else or life as a result of this situation. Have your Inner Guide (IG) dispute each one immediately. Again use one of the four methods for disputing. For example:
ID: You failed that math test because you've got the worst math instructor on campus.
IG: I have trouble understanding my math instructor, so I'm going to make an appointment to talk with him in private. John really liked him last semester, so I bet I'll like him too, if I give him a chance. 

ID: I gained weight and lost my tone because of my car accident last year.
IG: My car accident did have me on bed rest but only for a month. After, I was completely capable of moving around and exercising but didn't take initiative so I am going to push myself to my limits. I could do it before and got past the pain so I know I can do it again if I just put my mind to it.

ID: I have a hard time focusing on my future because the military was the only future I had.
IG: The military was my childhood dream, yes, and I am still very upset that I received my discharge. Although I don't know what I may be interested in now, I will make the initiative to explore my options and occupy my time with new experiences to give me some insight on my dreams and desires. The road is still a long one but I'll succeed if I avoid the potholes.

ID: I eat a lot of junk food because I am an emotional eater and it makes me feel better. Besides, if my parents didn't buy it all the time then I wouldn't eat it all the time.
IG: My emotions don't control my food intake as well as my food choices. Neither do my parents. When I want a HUGE bowl of ice creams, I will open the freezer, look at it, then get into the refrigerator for a Yogurt as an alternative or a piece of fruit. Also, just because my parents buy junk food all the time doesn't mean they make the decision of me eating it. I can always say no so I will and once again, choose a healthy alternative.

Write what you have learned or relearned about changing your inner conversation. Your journal entry might begin, "In reading and writing about my inner conversations, I have discovered that..." Wherever possible, offer personal experiences or examples to explain what you learned.

Changing your inner conversation isn't easy but it isn't difficult either. It is about training your brain to get into the routine of doing it. Life in a nut shell is all about routine and once you get on one, especially a good one, it is like fireworks that are beautiful but silent. They make you smile and laugh and go "Awwwh!" but you don't have to cover your ears.
Change is general is about getting on a routine or a new one for those of us who have made ourselves accustom to the one we are on now.
Now as a confession, my first draft of the sentence was my Inner Critic. "Change in general is about getting on a routine or a new one for those of us who have made ourselves accustom to the horrible one we are on now." But I disputed my Inner Critic. "The routine that I am on now is not working from me. So it is time to change and create a new routine to take a step forward into life."
Progress. Oh I do believe so. I have always been so negative in life and when you fall back into negativity it is hard to remember how you reached out to positivity and it all begins with you! You, you, you, you, you... That is why I tell people, "This is my world, and you are living in it." It isn't about being selfish. Those who still possess an Inner Critic or Inner Defender and have never experienced what their Inner Guide is worth? Those are the people who would see that statement as being selfish. But you CHOOSE. You choose your decision, you choose your outcome.
For example, I had a friend...
We have always had fun together and she has always been a riot. Her and her husband have been together on and off since we were freshman in high school. They finally get married back in 2011. Now this friend, she has a problem and always has with lying. Habitual liar. She has been doing it for so long as well that she has to create a new lie every time to coordinate with the rest of them. Being the friend that I am, I have always backed her up. I have also always felt guilty about lying to her husband seeing how I met them together and shared pretty much a mutual bond between the two of them.
Now long story short, this friend tells a few lies that involved me and now that I have been lying for her for a few years it is hard to keep up. I'm with her husband one day on our way to pick up a part for a four wheeler he is fixing and he just starts catching up with me. Asking me questions about my personal life and this and that and school and the guy I was seeing at the time. We laugh and share a few discussions and then he says this, "So then you know she has been telling me the guy she has been texting back in forth with is your boyfriend (which the guy he is talking about we were only seeing each other but that is besides the point) and that you wanted her to see if he would flirt with her because you feel like he isn't being faithful?" I just looked at him which obviously he figured out was the a yes. "So you also know that that isn't a true?" Once again I just stared. I wasn't going to lie anymore. I mean, he had gotten the truth out of me without asking me the question right off the bat. He wasn't necessarily beating around the bush more than manipulating me. Good job! Kudos to him.
So now the truth is out and they get into a huge argument and she blames me but understands that it is her fault as well. I did feel guilty at this point in time but the next time was totally on her...
They patch things up and move on and things are going great. For the time being. Before I had gone back to see them, I spent a few months away, separating myself from the situation. I had told her after the last time, no more lying, no more manipulating, nothing. I was over it. So she invites me down a few months later and we discuss their situation. She says no more lying and no more arguing. Her and her husband have never been better so I pack a bag and I take the cruise to visit.
When I arrive, my friend and I are going out. Her husband is at work so we need someone to watch her son. She makes the arrangements. I'm under the impression we are taking the baby from point A to point B and going back to point A. Once we arrive at point B and get her son comfy, she proceeds to tell me their is a point C. When we arrive, we then establish this is where the partying begins. She ends up catching a buzz, I end up catching a buzz. It's all gravy. We are enjoying our time having fun. She then makes a big girl decision about interacting with another individual. Granted I was there in the general vicinity, I am not her conscience. She wants to do her thing and make her mistakes that is fine. The entire night, she did not answer a phone call or text message from her husband. Her comes the beginning of disaster.
The next morning we wake up and leave. She says "We have to come up with a lie! Oh I know! We went to your house and drank too much!" She then proceeds to tell her husband. So here I am again. The same actions always have the same results is what my mother used to tell me. No doubt. I wrote my part of what ended up unfolding but not hers.
They argue all morning and all afternoon. She ends up going shopping with her mother, her husband heads to work and I try and sleep off a hangover. Then my phone rings. "He knows everything!" Well I don't know how because I didn't say a word. Then the garage door opens and slams and my name is being screamed through the house. Bedroom door practically comes off the hinges. "Where the F@*% were you last night and don't you lie to me?!" And he was on the phone being walked through everything that happened last night. Where we were, who we were with, what happened. So I looked him dead in the eye and told him the truth. He cusses me from top to bottom, tells me "Pack your shit and get the f*&% out my house." I'll take it. I did lie to him about where we were and it was his house. I did it to myself and out of respect of him and knowing the fact of what I did, without any argument, I packed my shit and I got the eff out. But within that process, I made a phone call. I put my foot down with my friend. "I'm not doing this anymore. My life is too short to lie for you and then have to deal with the upset, drama, and emotion that comes out of the entire situation. It isn't worth it."
Since then, her husband being upset with her... well, it's all my fault. I ruined her life. Apparently I put a gun to her head and told her she had to get down with the get down with this individual. I put a gun to her head and said we had to drink and stay where we were at. I put a gun to her head and told her we had to go where we ended up going. But she did it to herself. And I did it to myself. Yeah I guess I could have said, "Oh no!" and barged in and made a big scene and this and that but she is a big girl. She makes her own decisions. She writes her own future. She makes her own mistakes.
As did I that night/Day. Accept it. Learn from it. And move on.
To continue to write my own future and desired outcomes, she is no longer a part of my life. It isn't my responsibility to lie for any ones actions. Especially if it is going to land me in the the situation I was in.

This friend, every time she has the desire to get a hold of me since this all happened, she wants to blame me which is her Inner Defender. "My life is miserable because you told the truth." Well I guess that could kind of be true buuuut in actual reality she needs to be telling herself, "My life is miserable because I lied and my self esteem is by far the lowest it can be. I will start to make better decisions, focus on my son and my family as well as my career, and succeed for myself and those I love. First, I will start with..."

Just like I had a girl friend and I slept with her boyfriend back when we were 16. Besides the point of being young and dumb, I made the decision and when she found out she was very very angry with me. I told her, I can't say I'm sorry because I can't ask for forgiveness because I made the decision knowing that this would be the outcome when the truth came out. I did it to myself so if you want to walk out of my life then so be it. It isn't that I don't love you because I do, we have had great times and great memories together but my world is still going to rotate. I write my own destiny. I did it once, I felt guilty, I put it behind me and knew one day, truth would be out and once that happened you would either laugh and be like I can't believe the good ole days or be upset and hate me. We were young and dumb but I also understand that I crossed the line and it has hurt you. I can't beg for your forgiveness because I did it to myself. You walking out of my life is your decision to make."
Everyone writes their own future or destiny or outcomes or consequences. How ever you want to look at it. It is realizing that that will make it easier to write everything the way that you want it to be.
Until next time! ;-)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Curse of Stinkin' Thinkin'&&Disputing Irrational Beliefs

This was a section that kept a smile on my face. It describes the transition from your Inner Critic and Inner Defender to your Inner Guide. It felt absolutely amazing to read guidelines you had already thought up yourself and were following:
How is it that three people can have the same experience and respond to is so differently? According to psychologists like Albert Ellis, the answer lies in what each person believes caused the event. Ellis suggested that our different responses could be understood by realizing that the activating event plus our beliefs equal the consequences (how we respond).
...our upsets are caused not so much by our problems as by what we think about our problems. When our thinking is full of irrational beliefs, what Ellis calls "stinkin' thinkin'", we feel awful even when the circumstances don't warrant it...how were think about the issue in our lives is the real issue.
Stinkin' thinkin' isn't based on reality...these irrational thoughts are the automatic chatter of the Inner Critic (kept of Negative Beliefs about the self) and the Inner Defender (keeper of Negative Beliefs about other people and the world).
---major cause of this self-defeating reaction is the Inner Critic's harsh self-judgments. Here are some common self-damning beliefs held by Inner Critics:
I'm dumb. I'm selfish. I'm a failure. I'm incapable. I'm not as good as other people. I'm worthless. I'm unattractive. I'm lazy. I'm not college material. I'm weak. I'm a lousy parent. I'm unlovable.
A person dominated by his or her Inner Critic misinterprets events, inventing criticisms that aren't there.
--A strong Inner Critic is both a cause and an effect of low self-esteem.
--The finger-pointing Inner Defender is merely the Inner Critic turned outward...Here are some examples of destructive beliefs held by an Inner Defender:
People don't treat me right, so they're rotten. People don't act the way I want them to, so they're awful.People don't live up to my expectations, so they're the enemy. People don't do what I want, so they're against me. Life is full of problems, so it's terrible. Life is unfair, so I can't stand it. Life doesn't always go my way, so I can't be happy. Life doesn't provide me with everything I want, so it's unbearable.
A person dominated by her Inner Defender discovers personal insults and slights in neutral events.---A strong Inner Defender is both a cause and an effect of low self-esteem.
---The Inner Guide is concerned with positive results, not judging self or others. A strong Inner Guide is both a cause and an effect of high self-esteem.
How, then, can you raise your self esteem?
First, you can become aware of the chatter of your Inner Critic and Inner Defender. Be especially alert when events in your life go wrong, when your desired outcomes and experiences are thwarted. That's when we are most likely to complain, blame, and excuse. That's when we substitute judgments of ourselves or others for positive actions that would get us back on course.
Once you become familiar with your inner voices, you can begin a process of separating yourself from your Inner Critic and Inner Defender.
---According to psychologist Ellis, a key to correcting irrational thinking is changing a "must" into a preference.
---you can always distract yourself from negative, judgmental thoughts. Simply tell yourself, "STOP!" Then replace your blaming, complaining, or excusing with something positive...
---Wisely choose the thoughts that occupy your mind. Avoid letting automatic, negative thoughts undermine your self-esteem. Evict them and replace them, instead, with esteem-building thoughts.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Journal Entry #6

Write the six questions of the Wise Choice Process and answer each one as it relates to your situation.
The Wise Choice Process:
1. What's my present situation? (Describe the problem objectively and completely.)
I always make the same decisions over and over again. Every time I make the decisions, I hope for the best outcomes. When the outcomes are revealed, they always turn out to be the same. Bad. I never seem to learn my lesson the first time and always want to self indulge in immediate pleasure or reduce immediate discomfort. This makes me upset, frustrated, and negative.
2. How would I like my situation to be? (What is your ideal future outcome?)
I want my situation to be successful. I want to make the right decisions. Put myself in situations to meet the right people. Stay positive and happy all the time. Find a great career that I enjoy. Raise a wonderful and beautiful family. Live a life of glory and stay strong. Graduate from college. Pursue all my Opportunities.
3. What are my possible choices? (Create a long list of specific choices that might create your preferred outcome.)
Go for a run.
Talk to people who care.
Attend every day of school and finish every assignment
Work hard
Stay focused.
Appreciate what I already have.
Let go of the past.
Stop judging myself.
Become involved with a charity program or some volunteer work.
Study on a regular basis.
Spend more time with my family.
Participate in more recreational activities.
Stay home and read a chapter instead of going out for a few drinks.
Become open to change.
Believe in myself.
Stay busy and actively participate in productive activities.
Stop worrying about what other people think.
4. What's the likely outcome of each possible choice? (If you can't predict the likely outcome of an option, stop and gather more information.)
Go for a run: relieves all stress and leaves me with a clear mind, especially when I get into the routine of running on a regular basis.
Talk to people who care: more or  less people who will take the time to listen. When you can vent to others about the things going through your head that are making it hard to focus, it is relieving.
Attend every day of school and finish every assignment: everyday of school is very important because you learn something new every day. When you begin to miss a lot of class, you miss a lot of learning. Also, finishing every assignment, required or not, is important as well because practice makes perfect. Apply myself.
Work hard: will keep my brain on point and perceptive to be able to accomplish all goals I set my mind to.
Stay focused: very similar to working hard. When you stay focused, anything you do seems more easy to accomplish.
Appreciate what I already have: creates happiness. When you long for more and more and more, you become the person who is never happy.
Let go of the past: will stop judging myself and will be able to take action towards change.
Stop judging myself: similar to letting go of the past, once I stop judging myself, letting go of the past becomes easier where I won't hold grudges anymore and I will move towards my success.
Become involved with a charity program or some volunteer work: will make myself feel better and more productive. Always great to  do something that makes you feel like a better person so why not reach out a hand to those in need.
Study on a regular basis: Will improve my skills in classes and subjects as well as keep my grades up and at successful rates.
Spend more time with my family: similar to appreciating what you already have. You only have one family and it is always my mom, my dad, and me. Quality time with them always makes me feel better and helps keep me on the right path.
Participate in more recreational activities: will fill up my open slots in my agenda where I can't make any decisions of boredom that could jeopardize my future.
Stay home and read a chapter instead of going out for a couple drinks: in turn will prevent me from drinking and driving as well as keep my brain active and free of negativity.
Become open to change: change brings possibilities and I want to see possibilities and not the same thing, situation, or options.
Believe in myself: Key to change and success. Thomas the Chu-Chu Train- "I think I can, I think I can." But Kelsey Marie- "I know I can. I know I can."
Stay busy and actively participate in productive activities: Once again, the busier your stay, the less free time you have. The less free time you have, the less time you have to make the same negative decisions to kill your boredom.
Stop worrying about what other people think: it isn't about everyone else. It is about me. My future. My success. When I stop worrying about what other people think, that is going to open up some room to create more focus on me.
5. Which choices will I commit to doing? (Pick from your list in step 3.)
In order as if I was putting one foot in front of the other. One step at a time.
My #1's:
Go for a run
Stop judging myself
Become open to change
Believe in myself
Stop worrying about what other people think.
Let go of the past
Stay focused
My #2's:
Talk to people who care
Appreciate what I already have
Spend more time with my family
My #3's:
Attend everyday of school and finish every assignment
Work hard
Stay focused
Study on a regular basis
Stay home and read a chapter instead of going out for a few drinks
My #4's:
Become involved with a charity program or volunteer work
Participate in more recreational activities
Stay busy and actively participate in productive activities
6. When and how will I evaluate my plan? (Identify specifically the date and criteria by which you will determine the success of your plan.)
My number ones and number twos are my main focus as of now. School doesn't start until August unless I can fit in one class this summer, which is exactly what I am currently working on. If capable of enrolling into a  class for the summer, it will work out perfectly because that gives me sometime to adjust to working, going to school, and staying busy and focused. When I am still going strong come fall semester then I will know if my plan is working.
If I have to wait until fall semester before I can begin school, my focus will be on my number ones, twos, and fours. Then come end of my fall semester, when I am doing well, I will know that my plan is working.
To know my plan is working, I will be:
Focused and active.
On a very strict yet relaxing schedule.
Maintaining my grades
Completing every assignment and attending everyday of school
Volunteering at a children home or working for Give Kids the World
Most of all though, I will be happy and positive.
That, my dear ones, is how you really know I am on the right path and being successful. I have a light in my eye. It isn't shining yet. Oh no, it sure isn't buuuut... it will be! ;-)
Until next time.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Writer's Block

It's that moment when I want to overcome and accomplish my journal entry but I can't.
I just want to cry. It's weird how the smallest things can affect me. And the most innocent at that.
I have this great friend. Really, I don't deserve his friendship either but that is besides the point. We just have a very in explainable bond. He has been doing this program that has helped him with his health and has made him into a better person. Confident, strong and positive. Accomplishing every goal that he sets his mind to.
I finally saw this friend the other night and I vented. Let him know the hole I was in and the way I was feeling. I also asked for a push of motivation. Some help to get myself back to where I used to be with my health and my outlook on life. Today he sends me a message. He wants me to go to these meetings or gatherings. What ever it is. It'll make you feel good about yourself. Just do it. Just do it.
So why would someone trying to motivate me to do better for myself bother me as much as it has?

Journal Entry #5

Draw a line down the middle of a journal page. On the left side of the line, copy the ten Victim language statements found on the next page. On the right side of the line, translate the Victim statements into the words of a Creator. The two keys of Creator language are taking ownership of a problem and taking positive actions to solve it. When you respond as if you are responsible for a bad situation, then you are empowered to do something about it (unlike Victims, who must wait for someone else to solve their problems). 

Now, the Journal outline states draw a line and obviously I can't draw any lines on here. Sooo my alternative: the Victim language statements will be found in bold while the words of a Creator will be found in italics.

If they'd do something about the parking on campus, I wouldn't be so late.
I'm always late because I have to park so far away due to the population of the school. I'm going to start getting here earlier so I have enough time to make it to class with a few extra minutes to spare.

I'm failing my online class because the site is impossible to navigate.
I've been trying to navigate the online classroom for my class without reading the instructions given. I'll read the instructions and learn how to navigate the site step by step.

I'm too shy to ask questions in class even when I'm confused.
I find asking questions challenging due to how shy I am, so I'm going to ask my neighbors and classmates individually and then take the time to ask my instructor if I still don't understand.

She's a lousy instructor. That's why I failed the first test. 
I failed my first test. I'm going to ask more questions and if I need to, seek out a tutor to be able to pass the rest of my tests.

I hate group projects because people are lazy and I always end up doing most of the work.
I find group projects challenging so I am going to take charge, assign specific jobs to specific people that they will find fun, then tie up the loose ends of the project before turning it in. 

I wish I could write better but I just can't.
Writing is difficult for me so I am going to start visiting the writing lab every day in between classes.

My friend go me so angry that I can't even study for my exam.
My friend has me angry but my exam is more important. So I'm going to forget about my argument and focus on passing.

I'll try to do my best this semester.
To do my best this semester I will study more, ask as many questions as I have to, spend time with my instructor or a tutor, visit labs offered for my particular courses, use my resources wisely!

The financial aid form is too complicated to fill out.
The financial aid form is difficult to fill out  so I am going to head to the financial aid office to ask for assistance to fill the form out as best as possible.

I work nights so I didn't have time to do the assignments.
I work nights so I have to utilize all my free time to complete all my assignments.

Write what you have learned or relearned about how you use language: is it your habit to speak as a Victim or as a Creator? Do you find yourself more inclined to blame yourself, blame others, or seek solutions? Be sure to give examples. What is your goal  for language usage from now on? How, specifically, will you accomplish this goal? Your paragraph might begin, "While reading about and practicing creator language, I learned that I..."

You write your own future and create your own happiness. It's more than just in school. It is in life.
Also, if you repeat the same thing over and over again, you will get the same results.
You must sit back and look at the bigger picture. Analyze the situation. See what is going on and lay it out in front of you. Then relate to it. Majority of the time says you can relate to the situation or experience. Explain the feeling from before. Remember how everything worked out prior. Then find a solution.
I have a habit to speak as a Victim and a Defender but lack my Creator. For someone such as myself, I have always been a negative person but I can get to a positive state of mind. What will bring me down is the way I talk to myself. Criticizing and defending myself seems like a solution but it gets me no where but having the same actions over and over and over. And I am OVER it!
Change! And the only way I accomplish change is to make wise decisions. And the only way to make wise decisions is to create goals and solutions rather than acting on impulse and having fun in the moment. I have more to think about than the one and only present. But the one and only future is very important. Because you do only get one and only one. To be able to say "This is what I am going to do and this is how I am going to do it" is so refreshing. To believe in it though, to know I am going to do it is the best part.
I will become a Creator. Because a Creator creates their own future, their own success, and their own happiness. The three things I strive for most.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Journal Entry #4

Write and complete each of the ten sentence stems below. For Example, someone might complete the first sentence stem as follows: "If I take full responsibility for all of my actions, I will accomplish great things."

  1. If I take full responsibility for my actions, I will broaden my horizon of success and open many doors of opportunity.
  2. If I take full responsibility for all of my thoughts, I will know which thoughts bring me up and which bring me down. Mentality effects every one's level of potential, success, and opportunity.
  3. If I take full responsibility for all of my feelings, I will always be happy go lucky and never depressed.
  4. If I take full responsibility for my education, I will earn my spot on the presidents list every year and graduate with flying colors.
  5. If I take full responsibility for my career, I will master my technique and become the best I can be.
  6. If I take full responsibility for my relationships, I will become more in tune with real people and true friends.
  7. If I take full responsibility for my health, I will run everyday and get on a healthy yet enjoyable diet to live many successful years.
  8. If I take full responsibility for all that happens to me, I will make better choices and create better outcomes in my future.
  9. When I am acting fully responsible for my life, the puzzle pieces will guide themselves into place and I will succeed to the highest extent possible.
  10. If  I were to create my very best self, I will be happy, always positive, building great relationships with great people, succeeding in a career I have an absolute all time love for, and experiencing all the joys and wonders this life has to offer me.
Write about what you have learned or relearned about personal responsibility and how you will use this knowledge to improve life. You might begin, "By reading and writing about personal responsibility, I have learned..."

Personal responsibility makes life easier. For those who know about personal responsibility, you would agree. Getting back into the groove of personal responsibility is tough but learning it was more of a challenge so thank goodness I don't have to start from scratch. Kind of. 
I am responsible for failing out of school last year. 
I am responsible for getting into my car accident.
I am responsible for not being able to keep a job.
I am responsible for gaining my weight.
I am responsible for getting mixed in with the wrong crowd.
I am responsible for drinking and driving.
I am responsible for being negative Nancy.
I am responsible for getting discharged from the Air Force.
I am responsible for not being able to get any other job but a food service job.
But most importantly, I am responsible for the outcomes of my life. 
So I will be responsible for my education.
My career.
Staying positive.
Keeping my head up.
Choosing the right people and decisions.
Accepting my discharge and making peace with myself.
Moving on.
Spreading my wings and flying.
Losing weight. 
Getting on a schedule.
I am a strong individual. I just have to believe in myself to compliment my strengths. Life is a web. Everything is affected by everything. I believe that.