In your journal, draw an empty table...Fill in three or more of your own desired outcomes for this course and/or this semester. Next to each, explain why you value achieving that outcome. Remember, "outcomes" are those things you will take away with you at the end of the semester (such as a grade or something you learn). At this point, you don't have to know HOW you will achieve these outcomes; you only need to know WHAT you want and WHY.
Once again, seeing how I can't draw a table on here, I am simply going to label "desired outcomes" and "value" in bold, listing one and then the other. Also, instead of desired outcomes for this course and/or semester, I am going to focus on desired outcomes for this summer leading up to my second "first semester" in August. :-)
Desired Outcome: Spend down time absorbing knowledge in a relaxing, slow paced environment such as the beach.
Value: Absorbing knowledge regardless of who you are and what you want out of life will always keep you on your toes. Participating in a relaxing environment is a way for me to clear my head and breath so I can focus rather than worry about immediate pleasures.
Desired Outcome: To have proper nutrition, a healthy diet, and getting back into shape.
Value: Being healthy makes any person feel amazing but especially me! I am confident and delightful to be around full of positivity and spunk, always keeping a smile on my face and putting a smile on others.
Desired Outcome: To not owe BCC a dime! Bottom line.
Value: I will begin my education!
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I'm not too sure if we are supposed to have favorites or supposed to like one more than the other but I am going to have to say that the last one is the one I value most. I have put this off for far too long. If I owe the school any money at all, I will never be able to take my education head on like I desire too! Soo BCC, you will be getting your money come first pay check! ;-) YOU can count on that!
In your journal, place an empty table...Fill in three or more of your desired experiences for this course and/or semester. Next to each, explain why you value having that experience. Remember, "experiences" are those things you will have during this semester (such as fun or a sense of community). Once again, all that matters here is WHAT you would like to experience and WHY. At this time, you don't need to worry about HOW.
Once again no table (shocker!). Also, not course and/or semester but this summer.
Desired experience: Fun
Value: This is what summer is about. Fun... the right way. Genuine, real, 100% grade A fun!
Desired experience: Personal confidence
Value: Redeeming my spunk and personality. I have always been such a shy person but I remember when my personality and my spunk first started to develop and let me tell you... shwew, is it a much easier to me to deal with and I am so clear minded. I would face every bad decision I could make and never made them. This summer, I will build that back. Very important to life and makes decision making that much easier.
Desired experience: Go on an adventure
Value: Exploring new things, having new experiences, doing something different. Let's go on an adventure! It will help with learning who I am and discovering more about myself as a growing young individual. I'll get to meet new people and most likely see great things. Plus, I'm sure many of the adventures I could go on are apart of my resolutions list which just makes it that much better!
Using the formula of V x E = M ( V is for Value, E is for Expectation, M is for Motivation), write about your level of motivation to be successful in college. Begin as follows: "The Value I place on being a success in college is ___ (0-10) and my expectation of being a success in college is ___ (0-10). Multiplied together, this gives me an achievement motivation score of (0-100)." Then continue by explaining your score and identifying specific actions you can do to raise it (or keep it high).
The value I place on being a success this summer (since I am focusing on summer) is a 10 and my expectation of being a success this summer is a 10. Multiplied together, this gives me an achievement motivation score of 100. Life is too short to live it any other way other than all or nothing. It is just choosing your all or nothing that is going to create your path. This summer, my goal is to focus on my desire for immediate pleasure and how much trouble it has gotten me into. I then want to apply that to becoming more proactive in my decision making and discover genuine fun through genuine activity.
One thing you learn early on within reading this book and taking this course is that you control you. You write your future which means you write your happiness, your drama, your troubles, your sorrows. It is all on you. I need to begin with turning all my negative thoughts positive. Then move from making negative decisions to positive decisions. After, explore. Go to a museum even if it is a local one. Visit an aquarium (other than sea world). Go to a zoo. Read more than just my text books for school. Attend different local festivals. Give life my all. The right way.
This summer is about focusing on me. Discovering more about myself. Building more of my character. Becoming more of the person I was meant to be. It is true. You do only live once. This is my summer to grasp that wisdom and apply it in the correct manner to become the person I am meant to be in the near future.
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